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(1 edit) (+1)

I played the game! It's really great. However there is a bug where if you freeze the ant shortly before you get eaten by the frog, it creates duplicates on the respawn and I was like playing 3 ants at the same time.

Also if you restart the level with the in-game menu, it resets when you get through half the map, so that you have to return to the main menu and select the level from there.

Great game and concept though!


Cool lemmings-like concept, where you sacrifice some of your minions for the group's greater good.

Really beautiful artwork and nice music, but the gameplay suffers from not clearly showing me the colliders for the ants and their low friction - building bridges is most easily done by just running to the edge and pressing the freeze button at the right time, not by carefully positioning oneself, because you would slide off otherwise. I also could not get past the first frog in level 5, but I did complete level 6 (thanks for letting me skip a level). Also, if you try to freeze yourself just when you've been eaten, two ants will spawn.

Overall, it's an enjoyable little game.


Yeah, the ant physics is hard to get right and we tried to make it feel responsive, but I guess there's only so much we can do in 2 days. Thanks for your brilliant review!